Getting Started

Goodbits helps you compose great email newsletters in a couple of ways. Let's get started with the basics.

Saving Links

Email newsletters mainly comprise links to articles and content that is either your original content or from publications you've read and are fans of. So we have added a number of tools to help you.

To save these links, you can use our Chrome Extension (we do support other browsers), directly within our email editor, automated sources, and many more methods we'll go over in our support docs.

You can also save these links to our Content Library area of Goodbits. There you can manage your content and create collections to plan future issues or themes of content.

Building your first issue

The email editor allows you to quickly build an issue by dragging links from your content library and manual components and editing the content.

Each email is built with blocks. These blocks can be edited and also saved for future editions. This means the template will be saved after you send your first email.

You can change the template of the email with some simple options in the editor (hit design on the left sidebar). If you'd like, ping our support, we do offer a custom template feature.

To add content, you can either click the button "Add Content" on the left or hover your mouse inline, and you'll see a line that allows you to insert components or a URL directly in the editor.

Sending your email

You can send your final email with a MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, with Goodbits, or with many more with our HTML Export.

We'll present analytics from some of our integrations to see how your email newsletters are performing.


You can enable our landing page and assign a custom domain to host your archive of newsletters and a Subscription Form.

This will allow you to share this page to gather more subscribers. We also offer Zapier integration to pull subscribers from other sources, an embedded subscribe form, and an API.

As you start with Goodbits, please contact our support if you have any questions. We're very happy to help where we can and learn more.

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