Saving links from an RSS feed

Goodbits makes it easy for you to automatically save links from RSS feeds and use them from email newsletters.

What is an RSS feed

An RSS feed is a page that lists articles published from blogs and sites in a machine-readable format, normally XML. This feed can be added to Goodbits so that we can easily pull new content published to that site or blog.

How this works

A cron job runs every half an hour, takes all the feeds, and matches its articles against the existing ones in your account. If a match is not found, a new article is parsed in your account.

Goodbits compares the links. If no article with the same link is found in the Inbox, a new article will be created.

We automatically pull the title, description, and potential thumbnails to use from the link.

On some occasions, websites do not allow us to fetch this information, in which case we will only store the URL and title.

Existing articles are not updated or re-parsed.

How to add an RSS feed

  1. Navigate to 'Sources' from the newsletter side menu
  2. Select 'RSS Feed'
  3. Enter either the feed URL or the homepage of the site you'd like to save links from. We'll try to detect the feed from the homepage.
  4. After adding the feed, links will appear in "Saved Links"

If you want to delete a specific RSS feed, simply delete it. All the saved articles will be removed as well.

You can change the collection you'd like links from that feed to be saved to. This is convenient if you want to group links under a topic.

If your article is not on the list, it may not be synced. Until the automated sync is triggered, you have the option to manually queue the sync by clicking the manual sync button.

How to add a Saved Link

To add articles to an email newsletter from your email editor, click the green "Add content" button on the left. Select the 'Saved Links' tab, then drag and drop the article to your email newsletter. After you can tweak the description, pick and crop a thumbnail.

You can switch the style in which you'd like the link to appear from the dropdown on the left and filter the collection or source from which the link was saved.

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