Adding links as you browse the web

To add content directly from your web browser to your content library, you can use one of our browser extensions. This will allow you to easily save an article to your content library.

Outlined below are the web browsers we support and some information on how to install Goodbits with them.

All of our extensions will show you our Goodbits add link popup which allows you to pick and crop a thumbnail, as well as edit the title and description.


To install our Chrome extension, simply visit our extension on the chrome extensions store and click install.

After installing, you'll see our Goodbits button appear next to the web address. Just click on it.


The browser extensions are under the section called 'Sources'. You can find that link on the side navigation. From there, you will see a Firefox option. Follow that, and you'll be shown instructions to install the Firefox addon.

Need further help? Follow the 6 clicks guide below.

Firefox Extension - Setup & Use (click-by-click guide)


With Safari, you will have to locate the downloaded file. Normally on Macs, this will be your 'Downloads' folder, visible in your Finder. Load the file 'goodbits.safariextz' to complete the last step to install into Safari.

Since Safari 13 update rolled out, the Legacy Safari extensions are not available anymore.
Safari 13 Release Notes

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